Kingston Humane Society

2014 to Now

Not For Profit

In 2014, the Kingston Humane Society needed to step-up donations to support their mandate to both shelter and secure adoptions for the area’s unwanted pets. Our strategic insight? To boldly focus on positivity, rather than take yet another ‘pity party’ approach. This insight infused our entire re-branding solution.

We developed five ways people could donate that went beyond just cash, and then used photos of the wonderful real volunteers and happy, healthy pets across a range of materials to humanize the brand and amplify a ‘can-do’ emotional response.

boldly focus on the positive!’


Did it work? A 300% plus increase in donations in the first year alone says it did! And each year since, we have created the Society’s annual direct marketing Christmas Donation Campaign, generating multiple year over year donation increases. The increase for 2020/2021 over 2021/2022 was 17%, with an average gift increase amount of 23.8%. Trending donations for the 2022/2023 campaign suggest yet another increase will result.

Brand Development + Messaging + Collateral Materials + Brand Management + Direct Mail Donation Campaign
Brand Development + Messaging + Collateral Materials + Brand Management + Direct Mail Donation Campaign

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To find out how Tracy can ‘amplify’ your brand, feel free to contact her now.

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To find out how Tracy can ‘amplify’ your brand, feel free to contact her now.

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