Bradford West Gwillimbury Economic Development

2017 to now

Economic Development

The Bradford West Gwillimbury Office of Economic Development is the primary point of contact for business owners, developers, investors and those looking to establish a business in the town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. Their services include: Community Improvement Plan (CIP) grants; Site Selection Assistance; Business Data and Statistics; and Seminars and Workshops. Their key goal is to act as a welcoming, supportive and knowledgeable business growth partner, offering in-depth knowledge of their community and all it has to offer.

In 2017, Amplify was retained by the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury to develop their Economic Development Strategic Marketing Plan, a comprehensive project which consisted of: a Consultation Report, Findings & Issues Report, Priority Report, Industrial Commercial Institutional Realtors Survey, and a Marketing Strategy and Implementation Plan. All aspects of the project were to be completed and delivered in full by April, 2018.

As part of our discovery process, Amplify undertook focus group research with target-appropriate community members. We quickly discerned that people unofficially referred to the client as BWG, simply because the name of the client was so much of a mouthful. But they couldn’t really characterize the brand. It desperately needed to be personified, humanized… and the town folk needed to understand the sheer scope and professionalism of our client’s brand. Another key strategic insight was that there were really five distinct target audiences for our client.

We recommended that Bradford West Gwillimbury market themselves as BWG. We then attached three relevant business verbs to the acronym: Build. Work. Grow. We developed brand ‘essence’ attributes for this emergent brand, and its bold and professional new logo. Our strategic marketing plan also identified five specific key sectors to market to via unique value propositions for each.

The roll-out of our work was extensive: a new website, collateral, lure drone video and print piece, info brochure, and investment guide. Based on our success, BWG asked Amplify in 2021 to help off-set Covid’s negative impact by promoting the town’s appeal as a great place to reside and work. Our ten engaging 1-minute ‘Meet the Owners’ videos were distributed through social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.

‘humanize the brand!’


Amplify is pleased and remains proud of the work we produced for this complex assignment. Our original campaign garnered the prestigious EDAC award for BWG. And we are thrilled to share that they have just won the 2022 EDAC award for our recent ‘Meet the Owners’ video series.

Even more importantly, social media tracking data reports impressions increased by 134% and increased total media engagement by 185%.

Did we provide value to the client? Michael Disano, Manager of Economic Development, shared that: “Amplify met and exceeded our expectations. They worked well with our internal team, our Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) and Council to get buy-in and community support throughout the project.”

Brand Development + Messaging + Collateral Materials + Brand Management + Website + Microsite + Digital Media Foundation + Document Template Development + Community Profile + Investment Guide + Lure Piece + Video Campaign + Newsletter Campaign

Brand Development + Messaging + Collateral Materials + Brand Management + Website + Microsite + Document Template Development + Community Profile + Investment Guide + Lure Piece + Video Campaign + Newsletter Campaign

Get in touch!

To find out how Tracy can ‘amplify’ your brand, feel free to contact her now.

Get in touch!

To find out how Tracy can ‘amplify’ your brand, feel free to contact her now.

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